What will my survey cost?
The cost of a survey involves multiple factors:
- Type of survey requested
- Vegetation and terrain
- Surveyor’s knowledge of the area
- Existing survey monumentation and records
- Survey deadline
Every survey is different and has its own unique challenges. A single concrete cost is difficult to determine without completing the initial fieldwork, but an approximate survey cost can be furnished prior to commencing work.
What types of surveys are there?
To find out more about the various types of surveys you can visit our services section for help identifying what survey best addresses your needs. Alternatively, you can always contact us and we would be glad to help identify your needs over the phone or via email.
When is a survey needed?
There are various reasons for surveying your land:
- Prior to purchasing land to insure what you are buying
- Before installing a fence, building a house, or other types of construction
- Prior to dividing land into smaller parcels
- When you sell a parcel of land not previously surveyed
- To verify the amount of land assessed for taxes
- When you think someone has encroached onto your land
What information should be provided to the land surveyor?
See our Quote Form for information on what you need to provide the Land Surveyor.
Is my survey on record somewhere?
Not necessarily. Typically, original town plats and subdivision plats were filed for public record and may be found at the local county courthouse. Home site surveys within rural developments were typically not filed.
Can I find my own property lines?
You can search for monuments that mark the corners of your property, but simply finding a piece of metal, a plastic tent stake, an ancient wood post, a large stone, etc., does not confirm it as your corner. Other monuments also need to be searched for, and then mathematical comparisons are made between found monuments to determine your property line accurately.
Why do I need a professional surveyor?
A Professional Land Surveyor (P.L.S) renders a highly technical service in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, codes and court decisions set forth by local, county, state and federal authorities. Because of the unique skills and complexities involved in surveying land, statutes limit the practice to only those surveyors duly licensed by State Boards of Registration.
“Standards for Property Boundary Surveys” have been established to protect the public from inferior land surveying. These standards describe recommended procedures for a survey and information to be provided to the client.
How do I know what kind of survey I need?
Communicate with a Professional Land Surveyor (P.L.S). An honest and reputable surveyor will listen to what your needs are and what the final objective is. They can then provide suggestions to steer you in the right direction.

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